What Type of Ball is Used in Pickleball: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

  • Date: September 12, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.

If you’re new to pickleball, you might be wondering what type of ball is used in this increasingly popular sport. Pickleball is played with a ball that looks similar to a wiffle ball, but there are specific requirements for the ball to be used in official games. In this article, we’ll go over the different types of pickleball balls and what you should consider when choosing one.

What Type of Ball is Used in Pickleball

Pickleball is a fast-paced, exciting game requiring a unique ball type. This section will cover the different aspects of the ball used in pickleball, including its material, size, weight, and color.


The ball used in pickleball is made of plastic and has small holes on its surface. This design allows for more spin and control when hitting the ball with a paddle. The plastic material used for the ball is durable, lightweight, and weather-resistant, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor play.


The official size of a pickleball is slightly larger than a tennis ball but smaller than a whiffle ball. According to the official rules, the ball should have a diameter of 2.87 inches to 2.97 inches and weigh between 0.78 ounces to 0.935 ounces.


The weight of the ball is an essential factor in determining how it performs during play. The official weight range for a pickleball is 0.78 ounces to 0.935 ounces. A ball that is too light may not travel far enough, while a ball that is too heavy may be difficult to control.


Pickleballs come in a variety of colors, including yellow, green, orange, and white. The color of the ball used in a game can affect visibility and performance. The most common color used in pickleball is yellow, which is highly visible and easy to track during play.

In summary, the ball used in pickleball is made of plastic, has small holes on its surface, and is slightly larger than a tennis ball but smaller than a whiffle ball. It should weigh between 0.78 ounces to 0.935 ounces and have a diameter of 2.87 inches to 2.97 inches. The most common color used in pickleball is yellow.

Choosing the Right Pickleball

When it comes to choosing the right pickleball, there are a few factors to consider. The type of ball you choose can significantly impact your game, so it’s important to choose wisely.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Pickleballs

The first thing to consider is whether you’ll be playing indoors or outdoors. Indoor pickleballs are typically lighter and have smaller holes than outdoor balls. They’re designed to perform well on smooth indoor surfaces and are less affected by wind.

Outdoor pickleballs, on the other hand, are heavier and have larger holes. They’re designed to perform well on rough outdoor surfaces and are more resistant to cracking or going out-of-round. If you’re playing outdoors, choosing a ball that can withstand the elements and perform well on different types of surfaces is important.

Ball Durability

Another important factor to consider is ball durability. The lifespan of a pickleball can vary depending on the players’ style, playing surface, and even the temperature. Some balls may last only a few rounds, while others can last much longer.

To ensure that you’re getting a durable ball, look for one made of a durable material with a smooth surface. The ball should be free of texturing and have a uniform color except for identification markings. A slight ridge at the seam is acceptable as long as it doesn’t significantly impact the ball’s flight characteristics.

Ball Bounce and Spin

Finally, you’ll want to consider the ball’s bounce and spin. A good pickleball should have a consistent bounce and be easy to spin. To check for roundness, hit the ball up into the air with spin and watch how it moves. If the ball wobbles or moves erratically, it may not be round and could affect your game.

In terms of spin, look for a ball that has enough surface texture to allow for good spin control. However, be careful not to choose a too-rough ball, as this can cause excess wear on your paddle.

Brand and Price

Finally, consider the brand and price of the ball. Some popular brands include Dura, Onix, and TOP. Prices can vary depending on the material, construction, and brand of the ball. It’s important to find a ball that fits your budget while also meeting your needs.

Overall, choosing the right pickleball comes down to considering the playing surface, ball durability, and bounce and spin characteristics. Considering these factors, you can find a ball that will help you perform your best on the court.

Brand Specific Pickleball Balls

When it comes to pickleball balls, there are several brands that are known for producing high-quality balls. Here are some of the most popular brand-specific pickleball balls:


Onix is a well-known brand in the pickleball world, and for good reason. Their balls are known for their durability and consistent bounce. The Onix Pure 2 Outdoor Pickleball is a popular choice among players, as it has a smooth surface and is designed to withstand outdoor conditions. Onix also offers indoor pickleball balls, such as the Onix Fuse Indoor Pickleball, which has a softer bounce and is designed for indoor play.


Dura is another popular brand that produces high-quality pickleball balls. The Dura Fast 40 Outdoor Pickleball is a favorite among players, as it has a hard, durable surface and a consistent bounce. Dura also offers indoor pickleball balls, such as the Dura Big-Hole Indoor Pickleball, which has a softer bounce and is designed for indoor play.


Franklin is a brand that has been around for over 70 years and is known for producing high-quality sports equipment. Their pickleball balls are no exception. The Franklin X-40 Outdoor Pickleball is a popular choice among players, as it has a seamless design and a consistent bounce. Franklin also offers indoor pickleball balls, such as the Franklin Sports Indoor Pickleball, which has a softer bounce and is designed for indoor play.


Gamma is a newer brand in the pickleball world, but they have quickly gained a reputation for producing high-quality balls. The Gamma Photon Outdoor Pickleball is a popular choice among players, as it has a durable surface and a consistent bounce. Gamma also offers indoor pickleball balls, such as the Gamma Sports Indoor Pickleball, which has a softer bounce and is designed for indoor play.

Overall, when it comes to brand-specific pickleball balls, it’s important to choose a brand that is known for producing high-quality balls that are durable and have a consistent bounce. Whether you prefer outdoor or indoor play, there is a brand out there that will meet your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the right pickleball ball for my game?

When choosing a pickleball ball, consider the playing surface, playing conditions, and personal preference. Outdoor balls are typically more durable and have a harder bounce, while indoor balls have a softer bounce and are easier to control. It’s also important to consider the ball’s weight and size, as these factors can affect your game.

Can I use a hybrid pickleball ball for both indoor and outdoor play?

Hybrid pickleball balls are designed for use on both indoor and outdoor surfaces. They typically have a harder bounce than indoor balls and a softer bounce than outdoor balls. While they can be a good option for players who play on a variety of surfaces, they may not be the best choice for players who play primarily on one type of surface.


In conclusion, choosing the right pickleball ball is crucial to ensure a fun and competitive game. Whether you’re playing indoors or outdoors, there are different types of balls available that cater to your needs.

When selecting a ball, consider the type of court you’ll be playing on, the weather conditions, and your skill level. If you’re a beginner, it’s best to start with a softer ball that’s easier to control. As you progress, you can switch to a harder ball for more speed and power.

It’s also essential to choose a ball that meets the official size, weight, and bounce requirements set by the United States of America Pickleball Association (USAPA). This ensures fair play and consistency during tournaments and competitive games.

Based on the research, there are two main types of pickleball balls: indoor and outdoor. Indoor balls are designed for use on smooth surfaces, while outdoor balls are better suited for rougher surfaces. Additionally, there are different materials used in making pickleball balls, including composite and solid plastic.

When it comes to choosing the right ball, it’s essential to consider your playing style, court surface, and weather conditions. Some of the most popular brands of outdoor balls include TOP, Dura, and ONIX, which are all approved by the USAPA for tournament play.

Overall, selecting the right pickleball ball is a personal choice. By considering the factors mentioned above, you can make an informed decision that will enhance your playing experience and help you achieve your goals on the court.

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