10 Best Ways How To Practice Pickleball Alone!

  • Date: January 31, 2025
  • Time to read: 9 min.

Pickleball is a fun, fast-paced sport that can be enjoyed alone or with friends. While playing pickleball with a partner or team is a great way to improve your skill and have some fun, it’s also important to practice pickleball on your own. There are many benefits to practicing pickleball on your own, including improved technique, increased confidence levels, and improved focus. Let’s take a look at how you can practice pickleball alone and why it’s so beneficial:

Why Practice Pickleball Alone?

When you play with others, you may find yourself relying too much on their skill and not pushing yourself as hard as you can. Playing pickleball alone gives you a chance to take control of the game and build up your own skillset without distraction from teammates or opponents. You also won’t have to worry about feeling intimidated by more experienced players or having someone else tell you what shots to make. Practicing on your own allows you to develop your game in a controlled environment, making it easier to focus and hone certain techniques.

1. 3 Shot Drill

The best way to practice pickleball solo is by doing drills that emulate actual game situations while allowing you time between each repetition. A great drill for this is the “3 Shot Drill”: Start off by serving the ball into the kitchen (the 7-foot area behind the non-volley line). Then hit two consecutive shots toward any part of the court before retrieving the ball for another service after each shot has landed in bounds.

This drill teaches consistency and accuracy as well as helps develop basic strokes like forehand drives and backhand volleys. You can also challenge yourself by increasing the number of shots between serves or focusing on specific areas of the court, such as down-the-line or crosscourt shots.

2. Service Line Drill

The service line drill is one of the most important drills for any pickleball player. It works on developing your power and accuracy in serving, as well as improving your reaction time when returning serves. Start by standing behind the baseline and aim to hit the ball over the service line every time. As you get better, try aiming for different parts of the court and see if you can keep the ball in play. If you’re having trouble hitting over the service line at first, use a lower-speed ball so that it gives you more time to react.

3. Target Practice Drill

This drill focuses on accuracy rather than power and is great for beginners who want to work on their precision shots. Set up an obstacle, such as a cone or basket, between yourself and the other side of the court, and see how many consecutive shots you can make without missing or hitting it out of bounds. Start off easy by setting up your target close to the net, then gradually move it further away until you reach the baseline level. This drill will help build up your confidence in executing precise shots during actual games.

4. Speed & Agility Drill

Finally, this drill works on improving your speed and agility across the court. Start at one side of the court near either side wall and sprint diagonally towards the opposite corner while keeping all four corners within reach. Then sprint back towards where you started from and repeat until you complete two sets (or however many sets you feel comfortable doing). You should also try making sharp turns while running so that your body becomes accustomed to quick changes in direction during a game situation – this will give you an edge when it comes to reacting quickly against opponents!

5. Practice Wall Dinks

Wall Dinks are among the most essential drills for a pickleball player. With practice, we can build consistency and reduce the dejection that comes with hitting a dink too short. To get the hang of it, I’ve been frequenting a park near my house during lunch breaks on nice days, arranging my paddle, ball, and tennis backboard to hit 100 dinks with both forehand and backhand to get started. The results have been more than encouraging so far; I am beginning to hit shots with greater precision using this drill. To enhance accuracy even further, I even add a “target” while executing this drill – talking out loud helps me in tracing back my aim with each shot and be more mindful when hitting. All in all, Wall Dinks remains one of the best ways to excel at pickleball!

6. Footwork pratice

Good footwork is an essential component of becoming a competent pickleball player, as it allows for balance and positioning that are necessary for efficient shot-making. Those new to the sport might not instinctively know how to move on the court, but with practice, one can learn just how important something simple, like the split step, is.

Split step drill

The split step is done by taking two quick steps forward followed by a short hop with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. This may feel strange at first, but through repetition and continued practice of one’s footwork, one will soon see results when playing a pickleball match.

Lateral movement drill

Making lateral movement at the non-volley zone is a vital skill to have when playing pickleball. To make sure we are as agile as possible and can make quick reactions, it’s important to practice this particular move a lot. While I know that it may seem daunting at first, once you start practicing the technique of small, quick steps, it will become second nature and will help your game drastically. Have a look at my demonstration video below, and you can get a better idea of how to do it, be sure to keep an eye on how quickly I move but also how I stop just before making contact with the ball. Why not practice on your own in preparation for your next pickleball game?

Retrieving lobs footwork

If you’re looking to step up your tennis game, one of the best ways to do that is to practice retrieving lobs. And you don’t always need a court to do so! In your own driveway, empty court, or playground, you can easily practice retrieving a lob without a partner. Just make sure that from your neutral position on the balls of your feet and with a tossed ball in the air behind you, don’t slide backward—instead, lift your feet as you retreat and turn to the side towards where the ball will land. It might take some practice at first, but once you get the hang of it and have practiced enough times, who knows how many consecutive times you’ll be able to catch it before it bounces twice!? Give it a try—you’d be surprised at what you can learn from yourself!

7. Serve drill

Let’s practice serving that famous pickleball serve so we can get close to perfection! Stand at the back, way back if you want, around 20 feet from where your bucket of balls is. Then take aim and start firing those serves against the same wall! The trick is to reset between each strike and spot different angles and spots on either side of the baseline – it’ll help to build up a bunch of great serves that you can use during your next match. Take your time, though – practice makes perfect!

8. Train your backhand

If you wanna up your pickleball game, it’s time to get comfortable with that backhand shot! Slice it, spin it, slam it, put away shots – you name it! Do some drills and practice different shots in all parts of the court. It’ll help you stay versatile and ready for any shot your opponent can throw at ya. If you want major improvement on the court, switch to that backhand and dominate!

9. Shadow swing drill

If you want to refine your pickleball playing skills, then try a shadow swing! This is when you use the paddle as if you were going to hit a ball but without actually doing so. Doing this will help dial in your posture, form, and grip with the paddle to give you unparalleled control! Since it doesn’t require anyone else to participate, you can use shadow swings as a way to practice any time – before or after a game with your friends or wherever else you find yourself alone. So take a break from the court and give shadow swings a try!

10. Conditioning drill

Pickleball isn’t just about mastering the different strokes and techniques. It’s also about conditioning yourself to be able to keep up with the match for an extended period of time. When you practice, make sure to get in a few rounds of interval sprints on the court– between each point, run from one side of the court to the other in a set amount of time. Doing this will help build your endurance so you can stay strong through long matches!

With these solo drills, there’s no reason why even beginner players shouldn’t be able to master pickleball in no time!

How to get the most out of Your Solo Practice Time

Another way to maximize your solo practice time is by using visual aids such as tennis balls placed throughout the court that will act as targets for specific shots. This will help keep your mind focused and prevent boredom during long practice sessions – plus, it makes it easy to track progress over time! You can also use video recording technology like a smartphone app or GoPro camera set up in front of the net so you can review each session afterward and pinpoint areas where improvement is needed most. Finally, don’t forget about physical conditioning! Doing exercises like jumping rope or running laps around your court will help build endurance so that you’re able to last longer during intense matches with other players later down the road!

Also, read this article to learn what you can do during games to perform better.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Pickleball Machines worth buying if you want to train by yourself?

If you are looking for a way to improve your pickleball game, investing in a pickleball machine might be the answer. Pickleball machines can send balls across the court at different speeds, allowing you to practice and develop your reflexes. Some machines will also give information about the speed, spin, and placement of each ball for increased accuracy, so you can track your improvement as you work on different shots. With the help of a pickleball machine, you can practice by yourself and take advantage of incorporated features to take your game to the next level.

Can vision training help with my pickleball skills?

Believe it or not, one of the most efficient ways to improve is through vision training. Vision training can help you move faster and anticipate shots better on the court, resulting in a much higher level of play. This process focuses on improving eye agility through exercises – such as tracking small objects as they move across different planes – that strengthen all aspects of your vision skills. As you become more aware of how certain scenarios on the court will develop, you’ll start to see precision patterns emerge and make faster decisions when faced with tighter spots.


Practicing pickleball alone offers a great opportunity for players of all levels to improve their skill set without distractions from other players or coaches telling them what shots they should make – plus, it’s just plain fun! By utilizing drills designed specifically for solo play, adding visual aids such as tennis balls placed throughout the court, recording video footage of each session with smartphone apps/GoPro cameras set up in front of the net & adding physical conditioning exercises such as jumping rope/running laps into a routine – any player can benefit from practicing pickleball alone & reach new heights in their game! So get out there & start improving today!

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